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Update on HOPE in Nepal earthquake

Update on HOPE in Nepal, post earthquake The April 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated Nepal resulted in close to 9000 deaths and destroyed/ damaged 900,000 homes (OCHA, July 2015). Identifying the people in the villages of Sipapokhare and Sunkhani as some of the most vulnerable, HOPE network began extending disaster relief efforts. Finding the most vulnerable As with all HOPE International Development Agency efforts to help people in need, we seek out the most vulnerable. In Nepal, HOPE network is working in the villages of Sipapokhare and Sunkhani, both of which are located in remote, mountainous regions that are difficult to access. Most of the people in Sipapokhare and Sunkhani are considered outcasts by other societies in the region and were highly marginalized before the two earthquakes shattered their lives.

Ensuring the most vulnerable survive Realizing that people in Sipapokhare and Sunkhani would struggle to survive in the aftermath, HOPE established earthquake relief camps to provide temporary shelter materials, food, and non-food essentials. So far, more than a 1,000 people have received items such as heavy-duty tarpaulins, emergency food rations, clothing, and hygiene products.

Helping people rebuild In addition to supplying people with important essentials needed in the aftermath of the two major disasters, HOPE is also helping the most vulnerable rebuild homes that were damaged or destroyed by the earthquakes. The new homes are being constructed with locally available materials, and people in the villages are participating in the clearing of earthquake debris as well as the construction process – giving them a sense of ownership and hope amidst all the destruction and loss. *HOPE International Development Agency has worked in Nepal for over 30 years and has extensive and deep relationships on the ground and are preparing to help in the recovery process which will be long and tough. Please help if you can by sending a

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